If the RPM package file is different than the current working directory we should provide the RPM file name with its path information. In the old times about 5-6 years ago the yum command provide the yum localinstall command to install local RPM package file. $ sudo yum install /home/ismail/httpd.rpm Install Local RPM Package with “yum localinstall” Command The RPM package name and path are provided as parameters to the yum install command.

This is supported by modern versions of the yum command. The yum install command can be used to install local RPM packages. Install Local RPM Package with “yum install” Command I prefer this approach: One of my customer's environment is not set u properly, where the SSL certificate of the proxy server signs every ssl cert of every site. But the yum command can be also used to install RPM packages locally without the need for the internet. It is really dangerous to disable ssl certificate check. By default, the yum command uses online repositories to download RPM packages and install them with their dependencies. echo "#Added by me, the client\'s certificate" > /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crtĬat mycert.pem > /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.The yum command is created to manage, install, update and remove RPM-based packages in an automated way. Which is where my certificates are stored. Lots of output, but right near the end I see: To get the location of the certificates, do the following strace curl |& grep open All what we need to do is to add it to the repository where curl uses as trusted repository. It it works, then the problem is resolved.

Let's test it to verify curl -cacert mycert.pem The cert starts with Begin Certificate, and ends with End of Certificate The big file has the server cert in the middle, copy it, and save it to new file, we will call it mycert.pem. It fails, so, get the certificate with one command using openssl-client openssl s_client -showcerts -servername -connect > cacert.pem To verify that this is the problem, I run curl One of my customer's environment is not set u properly, where the SSL certificate of the proxy server signs every ssl cert of every site. It is really dangerous to disable ssl certificate check.